So... last weekend I got on my horse and moseyed on up the A1 to peddle my wares at the Leeds & Bradford Guitar Show. This was the first time I had taken my guitars on the road - so there were a few first night butterflies figure-of-eighting in my tummy. However, those little blighters were soon rolled-up-newspapered against the window, when I arrived in Sheffield and had a pint while watching Workshop customer and Alt-country wiz - Bob Collum in Sheffield along with his band the Welfare Mothers. Heartwarming stuff - which set me up for the weekend.
I slept overnight in Sheffield and rose early to make the short journey to the guitar show venue in Pudsey. A few hours later and I was all set up and ready to meet the public.
Not only was I showcasing my hand built guitars and building services, but I also had a few restored guitars for sale, and a beautiful pedal board stuffed full of the excellent Raygun FX pedals for people to try out before ordering online, so I was anchored firmly to my stand and kept busy the whole day. I successfully managed my fluid intake to minimise the need for pit-stops, you'll be glad to hear, but this also means that this guitar show report contains absolutely nothing about any of the in-show gigs, events and other exhibitors. Sorry about that. All I can report - is that the people of Leeds and surrounding towns and cities who visited the show were, without exception, warm, chatty and welcoming people, who made the show fly past all too quickly. It was great meeting you all! The successes of the show (or my little microcosm of the show) were the butcher-block offset guitars I had on display, and the prototype Raygun FX tape echo pedal - which sounded astounding! Roll on the next show (end of October in London.)
